Our small but specialized staff is committed to your health and well being. Your journey begins when you reach out to our office and schedule your first appointment with us. Our staff will be able to address any initial concerns regarding our process and answer preliminary questions. From there you will have an opportunity to learn more about what we do and how it will benefit you by attending a brief Patient Education Meeting. During your first appointment we will be able to answer more extensive questions about your treatment with us while providing a short presentation regarding our approach at Airway Institute. When you are ready to take the next steps to a healthier future, you can expect compassionate and thorough care from our team. Of course all of your time with us here at Airway Institute will be closely guided by an expert in Airway Dentistry Dr. Kaiyra Salcido D.D.S.. From start to finish we will make your health our priority and continue in our mission to educate and treat our patients with the highest quality of care.